Business Email Acquisition

Spectra Leads Marketing offers extensive contacts from the smallest niche markets through the largest corporations.

Our database consists of extensively segmented business demographics, giving marketers access to almost every conceivable combination of executive purchasing decision makers. Our mailing lists gives marketers hundreds of options to precisely pinpoint their niche or vertical markets or reach the widest range of small- to medium-sized businesses through Fortune 1000 companies.

With over 37 million business list records, our Business Database contains thousands of listings not available through other marketing list providers. This multi-source database provides accurate and deliverable information from home-based businesses to key decision makers in Fortune 500 companies nationwide.

Complete, accurate and current information about companies and executive contacts. Unlike static data sources, Spectra Leads data is constantly updated and validated for accuracy in real time.


Spectra Leads source, capture, compile, enhance and supply the most up-to-date and highly profiled consumer lifestyle data available in the USA today.

All of our data is fully complainted and locally sourced.

How it works in three easy steps:

Choose your audience
We’ll create your list
Start your Campaign

Create your targeted prospect list in the format you need for telephone, direct mail, email or a combination of activities.